Stewardship Commitment

Fulfillment of our commitment to Christ and to the Church also requires the stewardship of our resources in a manner which follows with the precepts of the Gospel. This includes a commitment on our part to support the local Church through the offering of our financial resources as well as of our own unique gifts and talents. In order to be a "member in good standing" of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, each person or family must make a Stewardship commitment. Two things are important to note as far as our financial commitment and our ability to be considered to be a member in good standing:

(1) A member must have fulfilled his/her stewardship for the previous year
(2) The amount of our financial offering should be proportional to our ability to give and to our resources. A member must have contributed at least the minimum amount that is suggested every year by the Parish Council in the Stewardship Pamphlet ($780 for 2025).

The Priest shall judge any cases of special circumstances justifying the waiver of a parishioner's stewardship financial obligations. (The Regulations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Article 18, Section 4).

Any questions regarding the Canonical, the Liturgical or Stewardship requirements should be referred to Fr. Christos.