Bookstore & Giftshop
As Orthodox Christians, we seek to participate in ascetic practices (prayer, fasting, reading Holy Scripture and spiritual literature, works of mercy, almsgiving, attending services, and participating in the sacraments) to deepen our relationship with the Risen Lord and discover the kingdom of heaven within us. At our Bookstore and Gift Shop, you will find many items to support your spiritual journey ranging from liturgical books, ecclesiastical items, Orthodox music CDs, Orthodox icons, spiritual books, baptismal clothing, wedding crowns, decorated candles for various religious occasions, religious articles and jewelry, incense/burners, greeting cards, candles, and much more. Our staff will be happy to assist you in locating any of the following items that may interest you.
The Bookstore/Gift Shop is open every Sunday and Holy Days after the Divine Liturgy.

Icons of Jesus Christ our Lord, The Virgin Mary – The Theotokos, Feast Days of the Church,Saints, Angels, Prophets etc.
The Holy Bible, Orthodox prayer books for all occasions, Liturgy service books, Lives of Saints, Church History, Orthodox Spirituality, The Sacraments, The Orthodox Faith, Marital Enrichment, Parenting and Orthodoxy, Catechism materials, Children’s Holy Bible, books and workbooks both in Greek and English, and many more.
Baptismal and wedding supplies (such as: christening outfits, wedding crowns and wedding crown frames, and decorated candles), gold/white gold/silver crosses, chains, various pieces of jewelry, incense, censers, charcoal, vigil lamps, prayer ropes and a lot more.
The ladies of the Bookstore/Gift Shop -- Jane, Niki, Lynda, and Chris -- are happy to accommodate Parishioners and friends. For more information, or if you would like to place a special order, please contact us through the Church Office (716) 882-9485.