Sunday Church School
Classes are on Sundays immediately following Holy Communion
Palm Sunday
Our Mission
The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Sunday School endeavors to work together with parents, clergy and the church community to encourage and instruct children in the Orthodox faith. It is our mission to guide children and youth to understand the history, traditions, beliefs and practices of Orthodoxy so that they may “hand forward” the Orthodox Christian faith to the next generation.
Please make an effort to meet your child’s Sunday School teacher(s) and discuss the curriculum or any other questions you may have. Parents are encouraged to get involved and help in any way they can with our school functions throughout the year. We always can use your help in a variety of ways including: Teacher’s Assistants, Small Project Coordinators or Assistants, Substitute Teachers, Bulletin Board Decorators etc.
Do not hesitate to contact the co-coordinators Lea Cervi and Effie George at and, respectively.
School Staff 2022-2023
Melissa Aggelis, Tina Anas, Lea Cervi, Marina Chilelli, Lynda Christou, Effie George, Peter Hiczewski, Chris Liolios, Nick Malamas, George Marinides, Vicki Pappas, Deacon Ben Rossiter, Iriny Schifano
Ages/Grades We Currently Serve
Our school is organized by lower level (pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade) and upper level (grades 7th through 12th). Sunday School starts in the church during Liturgy and then continues in the classrooms right after Holy Communion. Classes usually go for 30 to 45 minutes. Dismissal is approximately at 12:15 p.m. Some classes are combined and students may remain with the same teacher(s) for a couple years. The lower level classes meet at the classrooms downstairs, whereas the upper level classes meet at the Chapel, GOYA room and/or Boardroom upstairs. Additionally, we have a Pre-Nursery/Nursery room downstairs for parents and their babies and/or toddlers, where the Sunday School teacher facilitates fellowship for the parents and the young ones. Preschool-age children (turning 4 years old by December 1st ) are moved up to the Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten class in the beginning of the school year.
Good Friday Retreat
Our Sunday School curriculum is designed to meet our youth’s spiritual needs. We use age appropriate books provided by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Department of Religious Education, the Bible and other resources. Each year the curriculum taught in combined classes will alternate. We are refining our curriculum on an annual basis to keep the materials and topics current. Instruction is taught by faithful parish volunteers (see Staff list below). We have regular Staff meetings as well as Staff Development Seminars. All our Staff is required to do annual on-line “Youth Workers Training” approved by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North America.
Hymnology is integrated in the curriculum to enrich our children’s appreciation of the importance of music in our worship. Dr. Vicki Pappas leads the Lower Grade Hymnology lessons and Dr. George Marinides leads the Upper Grade “Theology Through Hymnology” lessons.
As part of the curriculum, we encourage our students to participate in the Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival which takes place in March or April of every year. This Festival is a speech competition that is open to the Orthodox Youth Junior Division (Grades 7-9) and Senior Division (Grades 10- 12). The top speakers in each division advance to compete in the district level, then to the Metropolis and finally to the Archdiocese level. We also have the Elementary Division (Grades 6 and younger) which gives the younger ones a chance to also talk about their faith.
First day of classes is usually the first Sunday after Labor Day. The Promotion/Graduation day is usually the second or third Sunday of May. Sunday School dates and events can be found in the Church Glad Tidings, Sunday Church Bulletin, Sunday School bulletin board, U.S. mail and emails. Sunday School starts in the church during Liturgy and then continues in the classrooms right after Holy Communion. Classes usually go for 30 to 45 minutes. Dismissal is at approximately at 12:15 p.m.
Decorating mats for Thanksgiving with the Homeless
Community Service
Children will have the opportunity to help others during the Sunday School year in a variety of ways, including food and mission drives (OCMC: Orthodox Christian Mission Center), St. Basil’s Academy, as well as assisting in Orthodox Action (Soup Kitchen).
A light snack is provided to students in the classroom. Our Sunday School has a Tree Nut and Peanut Free Policy. Please inform the classroom teacher of any food allergies or health issues your child may have.
Christmas Pageant
Religious Education is a Priority in our Church!
Updated 10/1/2022